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Kelli Miller Encinitas Realtor Encinitas Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

Essential Tips for First-Time Homebuyers in San Diego

Kelli Miller Encinitas Realtor Encinitas Tips for First-Time Homebuyers
Buying a home for the first time can be an intimidating process. But with the right resources and help from your real estate agent, it may even feel easy. 

Purchasing your first home is an exciting milestone, especially in a desirable location like San Diego. With its beautiful coastal views, thriving tech industry, and family-friendly neighborhoods, San Diego is an ideal place to settle down. However, navigating the competitive housing market can be challenging. Here are some valuable tips for first-time homebuyers in San Diego to help you make a wise and informed investment.

Understanding the Competitive San Diego Real Estate Market

The San Diego real estate market is known for its competitiveness, driven by high demand and limited inventory. As a first-time homebuyer, understanding the dynamics of this market is crucial. Here are several strategies to help you navigate this landscape effectively:

Pre-Approved for a Mortgage

Before you start house hunting, getting pre-approved for a mortgage is crucial. This not only helps you understand your budget but also shows sellers that you are a serious and qualified buyer. In a competitive market, being pre-approved can give you an edge over other buyers.

Benefits of Pre-Approval:

  • Clarity on Budget: Knowing your loan limit helps narrow down your search to homes within your financial reach.
  • Increased Credibility: Sellers and agents take your offers more seriously, which can be a deciding factor in a competitive bid.
  • Faster Closing Process: Having your financials in order accelerates the closing process once you find your desired home.

Work with a Local Real Estate Agent

Partnering with an experienced local real estate agent who understands the nuances of the San Diego market is invaluable. They can provide insights into the best neighborhoods, current market trends, and help you navigate bidding wars. An agent with a strong local network can also give you access to listings before they hit the market.

Advantages of a Local Agent:

  • Market Knowledge: Local agents are familiar with neighborhood trends, pricing, and upcoming developments.
  • Network Connections: They often have access to off-market listings and can negotiate better terms with other agents.
  • Expert Negotiation Skills: Experienced agents can effectively negotiate price and terms to your advantage.

Be Prepared to Act Quickly

Homes in San Diego, especially in sought-after neighborhoods, tend to sell quickly. Once you find a home you love, be prepared to make an offer promptly. Have all your financial documents in order and be ready to move fast to avoid missing out on your dream home.

Tips for Quick Action:
  • Stay Informed: Regularly check new listings and be ready to visit potential homes immediately.
  • Decisiveness: Know what you want in a home and be prepared to make swift decisions.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Be available for showings and open houses at short notice.

Understand Market Trends

San Diego’s real estate market can vary significantly by neighborhood and time of year. Understanding these trends can help you make strategic decisions.

Key Market Trends:
  • Seasonal Variations: The market often heats up in spring and summer, leading to more competition and higher prices. Buying in the fall or winter might present less competition and better deals.
  • Price Fluctuations: Monitor how prices are trending in your desired neighborhoods. Are they steadily increasing, stabilizing, or showing signs of a potential dip?
  • Inventory Levels: Low inventory can lead to bidding wars and higher prices. Knowing the inventory status can help you strategize your offer.

Consider Making a Strong Initial Offer

In a competitive market, lowball offers are less likely to be successful. Making a strong initial offer can make you stand out and reduce the chances of a bidding war escalating beyond your budget.

Crafting a Competitive Offer:

  • Competitive Pricing: Offer a fair price based on recent comparable sales in the area.
  • Personal Touch: Consider including a personal letter to the seller expressing your appreciation for the home.
  • Favorable Terms: Offer flexible terms that might appeal to the seller, such as a quick closing date or waiving certain contingencies if it makes sense for you.

Stay Within Your Budget

It’s easy to get caught up in bidding wars and emotional decision-making, but it’s essential to stay within your budget. Overextending yourself financially can lead to stress and potential financial difficulties down the road.

Budgeting Tips:
  • Set a Firm Limit: Determine your maximum budget and stick to it.
  • Factor in All Costs: Remember to include property taxes, insurance, HOA fees, and maintenance costs in your budget.
  • Emergency Fund: Keep an emergency fund for unexpected expenses that may arise after purchasing your home.

Be Open to Compromise

While it’s important to have a list of must-haves, be prepared to compromise on some aspects of your dream home. In a competitive market, flexibility can increase your chances of finding a suitable property.

Areas to Consider for Compromise:
  • Location: If your preferred neighborhood is out of reach, consider adjacent areas that offer similar amenities.
  • Property Condition: Be open to homes that may need some cosmetic updates or minor repairs.
  • Size and Features: Prioritize essential features and be willing to compromise on non-essential ones.

Stay Patient and Persistent

Finding the right home in a competitive market can take time. Stay patient and persistent, and don’t get discouraged if you face multiple rejections. Each experience will provide valuable insights and bring you closer to finding your perfect home.

Tips for Persistence:
  • Regularly Review Listings: Keep an eye on new listings and be proactive in scheduling viewings.
  • Adjust Criteria: If you’re not finding suitable options, consider adjusting your criteria slightly.
  • Stay Positive: Keep a positive mindset and remain focused on your long-term goal of homeownership.

Identifying the Best Neighborhoods in San Diego

San Diego offers a diverse range of neighborhoods, each with its unique charm and amenities. As a first-time homebuyer, it’s essential to choose a neighborhood that aligns with your lifestyle, needs, and long-term goals. Here are some top picks for first-time homebuyers, each offering distinct advantages:

1. Encinitas

Encinitas is a coastal gem known for its laid-back vibe, excellent schools, and beautiful beaches. It’s an ideal spot for families and young professionals alike. The Encinitas real estate market offers a mix of charming bungalows, modern homes, and luxury properties.

Highlights of Encinitas:
  • Top-Rated Schools: Encinitas boasts some of the best schools in San Diego County, making it an excellent choice for families with children.
  • Beach Access: With stunning beaches like Moonlight Beach and Swami’s Beach, residents can enjoy the quintessential Southern California coastal lifestyle.
  • Vibrant Downtown: The downtown area features a variety of shops, restaurants, and cultural events, creating a vibrant community atmosphere.

2. Cardiff by the Sea

Located just south of Encinitas, Cardiff by the Sea is another fantastic option. It’s renowned for its stunning ocean views, great surfing spots, and a close-knit community. The Cardiff by the Sea real estate market is competitive, with properties often in high demand.

Highlights of Cardiff by the Sea:
  • Coastal Living: Enjoy breathtaking ocean views and easy access to popular beaches like Cardiff State Beach and San Elijo State Beach.
  • Outdoor Activities: The area is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, offering excellent surfing, hiking, and biking opportunities.
  • Community Feel: Cardiff by the Sea has a strong sense of community with frequent local events and a welcoming atmosphere.

3. Del Mar

For those seeking an upscale coastal lifestyle, Del Mar is an excellent choice. Known for its luxury homes, top-rated schools, and the famous Del Mar Racetrack, this neighborhood is perfect for affluent buyers.

Highlights of Del Mar:
  • Luxury Real Estate: Del Mar offers an array of high-end properties, from oceanfront estates to contemporary homes with panoramic views.
  • Recreational Opportunities: Residents can enjoy the Del Mar Fairgrounds, Torrey Pines State Reserve, and a variety of upscale dining and shopping options.
  • Community Events: The annual Del Mar Horse Races and the San Diego County Fair are major attractions that draw visitors from all over.

4. Carmel Valley

Carmel Valley is a family-friendly neighborhood with excellent schools, parks, and a range of amenities. It’s a popular choice for tech professionals due to its proximity to major tech hubs and business centers.

Highlights of Carmel Valley:
  • Family-Oriented: With highly-rated schools and numerous parks, Carmel Valley is an ideal location for families.
  • Convenient Location: Its strategic location offers easy access to major freeways, making commutes to downtown San Diego and other employment centers convenient.
  • Modern Amenities: The area is home to various shopping centers, restaurants, and recreational facilities, providing a comfortable suburban lifestyle.

5. La Jolla

La Jolla is famous for its picturesque coastline, upscale shopping, and dining. It’s a prime location for those looking for luxury properties and a vibrant cultural scene.

Highlights of La Jolla:
  • Stunning Beaches: La Jolla Cove and La Jolla Shores are among the most beautiful beaches in Southern California, perfect for snorkeling, kayaking, and sunbathing.
  • Cultural Attractions: The neighborhood is home to the Birch Aquarium, La Jolla Playhouse, and numerous art galleries.
  • High-End Living: La Jolla offers luxurious homes with breathtaking views, top-tier schools, and a thriving commercial district.

6. Pacific Beach

Pacific Beach, known for its youthful vibe and lively nightlife, is a favorite among young professionals and surfers. It offers a mix of single-family homes, condos, and apartments.

Highlights of Pacific Beach:
  • Vibrant Nightlife: With numerous bars, clubs, and restaurants, Pacific Beach is perfect for those who enjoy an active social scene.
  • Beach Activities: The neighborhood offers excellent opportunities for surfing, beach volleyball, and biking along the boardwalk.
  • Casual Lifestyle: The area has a laid-back, casual atmosphere that appeals to a younger demographic.

7. North Park

North Park is a trendy neighborhood known for its eclectic mix of restaurants, craft breweries, and boutique shops. It’s a great option for those seeking an urban lifestyle with a strong sense of community.

Highlights of North Park:
  • Culinary Scene: North Park boasts a diverse array of dining options, from upscale restaurants to popular food trucks.
  • Arts and Culture: The neighborhood is home to various art galleries, music venues, and the North Park Observatory.
  • Walkability: With its walkable streets and vibrant community events, North Park is ideal for those who prefer a pedestrian-friendly environment.

Choosing the Right Neighborhood

When deciding on the best neighborhood for your new home, consider the following factors:

Lifestyle and Priorities

Determine what aspects of a neighborhood are most important to you. Do you prioritize proximity to the beach, excellent schools, a vibrant nightlife, or a family-friendly environment? Understanding your lifestyle preferences will help narrow down your options.

Future Growth and Development

Research the future development plans and growth potential of the neighborhood. Areas with upcoming infrastructure projects, new businesses, and community improvements can offer higher property value appreciation.

Amenities and Services

Consider the amenities and services available in the neighborhood, such as parks, shopping centers, medical facilities, and public transportation. Ensure the area meets your needs and offers a comfortable living experience.

Community and Safety

Evaluate the sense of community and safety in the neighborhood. Check crime rates, engage with local residents, and visit the area at different times of the day to get a feel for the community.

Navigating Local Regulations and Zoning Laws

Understanding local regulations and zoning laws is essential for first-time homebuyers in San Diego. These laws can significantly impact your purchasing decision, the use of your property, and future modifications or improvements. Here’s a detailed look at how to navigate these regulations effectively:

Zoning Restrictions

Zoning laws in San Diego dictate how land and property can be used. These regulations classify areas into zones for residential, commercial, industrial, and mixed-use purposes. Understanding the zoning laws in your desired neighborhood is crucial.

Key Aspects of Zoning Laws:

  • Residential Zoning: This includes single-family homes, multi-family units, and accessory dwelling units (ADUs). Ensure the property you’re interested in aligns with your intended use.
  • Commercial Zoning: Some areas are designated for businesses and retail establishments. Be aware of commercial zones nearby, as they can influence property values and neighborhood dynamics.
  • Mixed-Use Zoning: These areas allow for a combination of residential, commercial, and sometimes industrial uses. They often feature a blend of living spaces, offices, and retail shops, promoting a walkable community feel.
Steps to Navigate Zoning Restrictions:
  • Research: Use the San Diego County Zoning Map and municipal codes to understand the zoning classification of your desired property.
  • Consult Local Authorities: Contact the San Diego Development Services Department for clarification on zoning regulations and any recent changes.
  • Future Plans: Consider how potential changes in zoning laws might affect your property in the future.

Building Codes and Permits

If you plan to renovate or make significant changes to your new home, be aware of San Diego’s building codes and permit requirements. These regulations ensure that all construction is safe, legal, and up to code.

Important Building Code Considerations:
  • Safety Standards: Building codes set safety standards for construction, including electrical systems, plumbing, and structural integrity.
  • Permits: Most renovations, including additions, significant remodels, and some landscaping projects, require permits. Ensure you obtain the necessary permits to avoid fines and legal issues.
  • Inspections: After obtaining permits and completing construction, inspections by city officials are typically required to ensure compliance with building codes.
Steps to Ensure Compliance:
  • Hire a Licensed Contractor: A knowledgeable contractor can navigate building codes and permits on your behalf, ensuring all work meets local standards.
  • Plan Ahead: Factor in the time and cost of obtaining permits and inspections when planning your renovation.
  • Stay Informed: Regularly check for updates to building codes and permit requirements to stay compliant with any new regulations.

Homeowner Associations (HOAs)

Many neighborhoods in San Diego, especially planned communities and condos, have Homeowner Associations (HOAs). HOAs have their own rules and regulations, including fees and restrictions on property modifications.

Understanding HOA Regulations:

  • CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions): These are the rules set by the HOA that govern the use of properties within the community. Review these carefully to ensure they align with your lifestyle and plans for the property.
  • Fees: HOAs charge monthly or annual fees for the maintenance of common areas and other community services. Budget for these additional costs when considering a property.
  • Approval Process: HOAs often require approval for exterior modifications, landscaping changes, and other significant alterations. Ensure you understand the approval process and comply with all HOA guidelines.
Tips for Navigating HOAs:
  • Request Documentation: Before purchasing, request and review the HOA’s CC&Rs, bylaws, and financial statements.
  • Attend Meetings: Participate in HOA meetings to stay informed about community issues and decision-making processes.
  • Communicate: Maintain open communication with the HOA board to ensure a smooth relationship and avoid conflicts.

Environmental Regulations

San Diego’s diverse environment means there are specific regulations to protect natural resources, especially in coastal and sensitive areas.

Key Environmental Regulations:

  • Coastal Commission: If your property is near the coast, it may be subject to California Coastal Commission regulations, which can impact development and renovations.
  • Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs): For larger projects, an EIR may be required to assess the environmental impact and outline mitigation measures.
  • Stormwater Regulations: San Diego has strict stormwater management requirements to prevent pollution. Ensure your property complies with these regulations, especially if you plan on landscaping or other exterior changes.
Navigating Environmental Regulations:
  • Consult Experts: Engage environmental consultants or legal experts to navigate complex regulations.
  • Compliance: Ensure all planned developments comply with local, state, and federal environmental laws.
  • Stay Updated: Regulations can change, so stay informed about any updates that might affect your property.

Leveraging Financial Assistance Programs

Buying a home in San Diego can be a significant financial undertaking, but there are various financial assistance programs available to help first-time homebuyers manage costs. Leveraging these programs can make homeownership more accessible by providing grants, loans, and other forms of financial support. Here’s how you can take advantage of these resources:

First-Time Homebuyer Programs

San Diego offers several programs specifically designed to assist first-time homebuyers. These programs often provide down payment assistance, lower interest rates, and favorable loan terms.

Key Programs to Consider:

  • CalHFA (California Housing Finance Agency): CalHFA offers a range of loan programs with low-interest rates and down payment assistance. Their MyHome Assistance Program provides up to 3.5% of the home’s purchase price to be used for down payment or closing costs.
  • San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) First-Time Homebuyer Program: SDHC offers deferred loans and grants to eligible first-time buyers. This program can provide up to 17% of the purchase price in the form of a silent second loan, which doesn’t require repayment until the property is sold or refinanced.
  • Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) Program: This federal program allows first-time homebuyers to reduce their federal income tax liability, effectively increasing their available income for mortgage payments.

How to Qualify:

  • Income Limits: Many programs have income limits based on household size. Check specific program requirements to see if you qualify.
  • Homebuyer Education: Completing a homebuyer education course is often a prerequisite for these programs. These courses provide valuable information on the home buying process and financial management.
  • Primary Residence: These programs typically require the property to be used as your primary residence.

Down Payment Assistance

One of the biggest hurdles for first-time homebuyers is saving for a down payment. Various down payment assistance programs can help bridge the gap, making it easier to secure a home loan.

Types of Assistance:

  • Grants: Some programs offer grants that do not need to be repaid, providing immediate financial relief for down payments and closing costs.
  • Deferred Loans: These are loans that don’t require repayment until you sell, refinance, or pay off your mortgage. They can be an excellent way to defer costs without immediate financial pressure.
  • Matched Savings Programs: Certain programs match your savings for a down payment. For example, the Individual Development Account (IDA) program can match your contributions at a specific rate, increasing your down payment savings.

Steps to Access Down Payment Assistance:

  • Research Programs: Look into local, state, and federal programs that offer down payment assistance.
  • Apply Early: These programs often have limited funds and application windows. Apply as early as possible to increase your chances of receiving assistance.
  • Work with Approved Lenders: Many programs require you to work with approved lenders who are familiar with the specific assistance program requirements.

Affordable Housing Programs

San Diego has several affordable housing programs aimed at helping low- to moderate-income families achieve homeownership.

Key Affordable Housing Programs:

  • Inclusionary Housing: San Diego’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance requires developers to include affordable units in new residential developments or pay a fee to support affordable housing projects. These units are available to eligible buyers at below-market rates.
  • Public Housing: Managed by the San Diego Housing Commission, public housing units are available at reduced rent levels, allowing residents to save more towards homeownership.
  • Non-Profit Housing Organizations: Organizations like Habitat for Humanity provide affordable homeownership opportunities through various programs. These organizations often offer homes at cost and provide financing options tailored to low-income buyers.
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Income Requirements: Programs typically have income thresholds based on household size and area median income (AMI).
  • Employment History: Stable employment and income history are often required to qualify for affordable housing programs.
  • Residency Requirements: Some programs require you to be a resident of San Diego County or a specific area within the county.

Federal and State Loan Programs

Several federal and state loan programs can help first-time homebuyers secure favorable mortgage terms and lower their overall borrowing costs.

Key Loan Programs:

  • FHA Loans: The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) offers loans with lower down payment requirements (as low as 3.5%) and more lenient credit standards, making them accessible to first-time buyers.
  • VA Loans: For veterans and active-duty military personnel, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers loans with no down payment and competitive interest rates.
  • USDA Loans: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides loans for rural and suburban homebuyers with no down payment required. Certain areas of San Diego County may qualify for these loans.
Benefits of These Programs:
  • Lower Down Payments: FHA and USDA loans offer lower down payment options, reducing the initial financial burden.
  • Flexible Credit Requirements: These programs often have more flexible credit score requirements compared to conventional loans.
  • Competitive Interest Rates: VA and USDA loans typically offer lower interest rates, making monthly mortgage payments more affordable.

Employer Assistance Programs

Many large employers in San Diego, particularly in the tech industry, offer homebuyer assistance programs as part of their benefits packages. These programs can include grants, loans, or matched savings plans to help employees purchase homes.

Examples of Employer Assistance:

  • Tech Companies: Companies like Qualcomm and Intuit may offer financial assistance for down payments, closing costs, or even homebuyer education programs.
  • Public Sector: Some government agencies provide homeownership assistance to their employees, including special loan programs and housing stipends.
Steps to Access Employer Assistance:
  • Check with HR: Inquire with your human resources department to see if your employer offers any homebuyer assistance programs.
  • Understand the Terms: Each employer program will have specific eligibility criteria and terms. Make sure you understand these before committing.
  • Combine with Other Programs: Employer assistance can often be combined with other federal, state, and local programs for maximum benefit.

Conducting Thorough Inspections

A thorough inspection is a critical step in the home buying process. Here are some tips to ensure you make a sound investment:

Conducting thorough inspections is a crucial step in the home-buying process, ensuring that you are making a wise investment and that the property is in good condition. Here’s a detailed look at how to effectively navigate home inspections in San Diego:

The Importance of Home Inspections

A home inspection is a comprehensive examination of the property’s condition. It helps identify potential issues that may not be visible during a casual walkthrough. For first-time homebuyers, understanding the importance of home inspections can save you from costly repairs and provide peace of mind.

Key Benefits of Home Inspections:

  • Identifying Structural Issues: Inspections can reveal problems with the foundation, roof, walls, and other structural components that could affect the safety and longevity of the home.
  • Uncovering Hidden Problems: Inspectors can find hidden issues such as plumbing leaks, electrical problems, mold, and pest infestations.
  • Negotiating Power: Discovering significant issues during the inspection can give you leverage to negotiate repairs or a lower purchase price with the seller.
  • Future Planning: Understanding the condition of the home can help you plan for future maintenance and budget for necessary repairs.

Choosing a Qualified Home Inspector

Selecting a qualified and experienced home inspector is essential to ensure a thorough and accurate inspection. Here’s how to choose the right inspector:

Steps to Choosing a Qualified Inspector:

  • Check Credentials: Ensure the inspector is licensed and certified by a reputable organization such as the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) or the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI).
  • Experience Matters: Look for an inspector with extensive experience in the San Diego area, as they will be familiar with common local issues and construction styles.
  • Read Reviews: Check online reviews and ask for references to gauge the inspector’s reputation and reliability.
  • Sample Reports: Ask for sample inspection reports to see the level of detail and thoroughness you can expect.

Key Areas to Inspect

While a professional inspector will cover all major aspects of the property, as a buyer, it’s helpful to understand the key areas that should be inspected. This knowledge allows you to ask informed questions and ensure no critical areas are overlooked.

Critical Inspection Areas:

  • Foundation and Structure: Check for cracks, settling, and signs of structural damage.
  • Roofing: Inspect for missing or damaged shingles, leaks, and the overall condition of the roof.
  • Plumbing: Look for leaks, water pressure issues, and the condition of pipes and fixtures.
  • Electrical Systems: Ensure wiring, outlets, and panels are up to code and functioning safely.
  • HVAC Systems: Assess the condition of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units, including ductwork.
  • Windows and Doors: Check for proper sealing, functionality, and signs of damage or rot.
  • Basements and Crawl Spaces: Look for moisture, mold, and pest issues in these areas often prone to problems.
  • Exterior and Grounds: Evaluate the condition of the siding, landscaping, drainage, and any additional structures like garages or sheds.

Special Considerations for San Diego Homes

San Diego’s unique climate and geography require special considerations during a home inspection. Be mindful of the following:

Coastal Considerations:

  • Salt Air Exposure: Homes near the coast may have corrosion issues due to salt air exposure, affecting metal components and fixtures.
  • Wind and Weather: Coastal homes should be inspected for wind resistance and any weather-related wear and tear.

Climate Considerations:

  • Sun Exposure: The intense sun can degrade roofing materials, paint, and other exterior elements over time.
  • Water and Drainage: Even in a generally dry climate, proper drainage and water management are crucial to prevent damage during the rainy season.

Reviewing the Inspection Report

After the inspection, you’ll receive a detailed report outlining the findings. It’s essential to review this report carefully to understand the condition of the property and decide on the next steps.

How to Review the Report:

  • Focus on Major Issues: Prioritize significant issues that could affect the safety and structural integrity of the home.
  • Minor Repairs: Note minor issues that may not be deal-breakers but could require attention in the future.
  • Ask Questions: If any part of the report is unclear, don’t hesitate to ask the inspector for clarification.
  • Get Estimates: For significant repairs, consider getting estimates from contractors to understand potential costs.

Negotiating Repairs and Adjustments

Based on the inspection report, you may need to negotiate with the seller for repairs or price adjustments. Here’s how to approach this process:

Steps to Negotiate:

  • Prioritize Requests: Focus on essential repairs that impact the safety, functionality, or significant value of the home.
  • Be Reasonable: Approach negotiations with realistic expectations and be prepared for compromises.
  • Get It in Writing: Ensure all agreed-upon repairs or price reductions are documented in the purchase agreement.

Final Walkthrough

Before closing, conduct a final walkthrough to ensure all agreed-upon repairs have been completed and that the property is in the expected condition.

Tips for a Successful Final Walkthrough:
  • Verify Repairs: Check that all negotiated repairs have been completed satisfactorily.
  • Check Utilities: Ensure that all utilities (electricity, water, gas) are functioning properly.
  • Inspect Condition: Confirm that the property has been maintained and is in the same condition as when you last viewed it.


Buying your first home in San Diego is an exciting journey filled with opportunities and challenges. By understanding the local market, exploring the best neighborhoods, navigating regulations, leveraging financial assistance, and conducting thorough inspections, you can make a well-informed decision.

Ready to embark on your home buying journey? Contact Kelli Miller today to discuss your real estate needs and take the first step towards finding your dream home in San Diego.


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